This project, implemented by the Megawra | BEC (Athar Lina Initiative)'s, focused on the conservation of the Cairo's Yahya al-Shabih Mausoleum. The Yahya al-Shabih Mausoleum, and other shrines in the area are deeply rooted within Egyptian culture and “are considered places of visitation by all different segments of society who visit them in remembrance, and to partake of some of their blessings”. Because its high risk of collapse, the building has been inaccessible to the community since 2010. Some of the 9th-century inscription panels were damaged or removed - the ones remaining were threatened by the structure's state, salt, and damp corrosion. In order to safeguard the structure and the history etched onto its stones, the project team conducted an emergency documentation mission. The project coordinator also worked to consolidate the structure to stabilize it and evacuated the panels together with the Ministry of Antiquities.