In 2022, CER aims to develop in collaboration with (partner organization)/facilitate a Regional Hub for Cultural Emergency Response in the Caribbean. This Hub will become the go-to-center for any cultural emergency due to disaster or conflict. It will manage emergency preparedness, capacity building for heritage protection and coordinate the urgent rescue and preservation of cultural heritage in the region.
Partner organization: Cultural Heritage Emergency Network (CHEN) -> pending
Countries of action: Caribbean region
Overall overview: The Caribbean is highly vulnerable to natural hazards. Tropical storms and hurricanes, like the ones of 2017, are a reoccurring threat, as are floods, coastal erosion, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions (St Vincent & the Grenadines 2021). These threats are only increasing because of the climate crisis. At the same time, there is increasing political unrest and illegal practices such as looting and sand mining, having a large impart on the region's (archeological) heritage.
Type of crisis: risks for cultural heritage are high, as a consequence natural disasters.
Heritage at risk: museums, libraries, archives, archaeological sites
Main goals and activities: